About Us
Grazing Acres started many years ago as one young man raising farm animals. Steve has been raising meat animals his entire life. At age 13 he had his own pigs. A few years later he had his first cattle and bison, and the rest is history! Today we are a family farm that raises all natural bison, Angus beef and beefalo. We have about 250 head of bison and 250 head of cattle. We know and love these animals and personally care for them every single day.
One thing that makes our farm unique is the way we feed our animals. We work with a nutritionist to create a balanced diet for our animals using both traditional and alternative feeds. They receive a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables which is delivered to the farm daily; this is not grocery or restaurant waste, but produce just as fresh or fresher than you would be able to purchase (you can find a video of our cattle eating their vegies on our Facebook page). We also use spent grain from local breweries and distilleries. This helps to eliminate these feed sources from going in to landfills and provides a great feed source. Lastly, we grow our own non-GMO corn that is chopped in to silage and use hay that grows in our area.
All of our animals are direct marketed, never shipped or sent to large packing plants. We only send in 2-5 animals each week, all year round. This allows our animals to grow naturally and at their own pace and eliminates the need for the use of hormones of any kind.
Our Team

Marcia, Will and Steve (Will helps us on a part time basis)